MD Referral Forms
Below are the general referral forms for MDs looking to contact a plastic surgeon in Victoria, BC.
For referrals specific to Dr. Evans' practice, please fax us directly.
Referral to the UAC requires a phone call to the on-call plastic surgeon at Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria BC.
Referrals to the B&W Clinic require a phone call to the on-call plastic surgeon at Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria BC.
Centralized referral line for the outpatient management of skin cancers and lesions. Must be referred by a MD.
Is a referral required for benign skin lesions?
Surgical removal of benign skin lesions is not a benefit of MSP unless there is significant pathophysiologic dysfunction. Consultations are covered by MSP with a GP referral, or, patients can self refer to any surgeon.
Examples of benign lesions not covered include: benign nevi, seborrhoeic keratosis, warts, lipomas, epidermal cysts, telangiectasias and angiomata, skin tags, acrochordons, polyps, papillomata, neurofibromata, and dermatofibromata. (Preamble D. 9. 2. 4.)
MD Clinical Guidelines
Official provincial guidelines and suggested guidelines for MD management of patients in BC.
BC Provincial Guidelines
for Adult Major Burn Management
BC Children's Hospital Guidelines
for Pediatric Major Burn Management
DRAFT guidelines
for management of TENS